Porcelain Veneers
Dental veneers are thin porcelain layers bonded to the teeth enamel. They require extremely precise planning and minimalist preparations. Our dental specialists will create a wax-up and a possibly a mock-up before proceeding to the actual preparation. The material of choice will be determined by the thickness and the shade of the original tooth, thus creating a uniform shade and shape of the front teeth.
A small amount of tooth structure must be removed to make room for the porcelain veneer and to avoid making the tooth look big and bulky. The tooth preparation is limited to the enamel and usually involves only a few surfaces of the tooth, unlike a crown or cap. A prosthodontist uses porcelain veneers to improve the appearance of teeth and to even close spaces or gaps between teeth.
Advantages of porcelain veneers:
Restores natural tooth appearance
Minimal preparation required
Biocompatible material - Tissues tolerate porcelain well
Stain resistant
Able to change the shade of your teeth
Able to change the shape of your teeth
Veneers are not always the choice of treatment to restore your teeth.
Insufficient amount of enamel - unable to bond restoration
Position of teeth is not ideal for teeth- might need orthodontic treatment before proceeding with veneers
Excessive spacing of adjacent teeth- the veneers will be too wide- might need orthodontic treatment before proceeding with veneers
Poor oral hygiene or caries- unable to bond restoration
Parafunctional habits like clenching or bruxism
Prosthodontists are the restorative dental specialist who are able to plan for these restorations. A prosthodontist is a dentist who has completed dental school plus three additional years of advanced training and education in an accredited prosthodontic graduate program. They specialize in treating and handling dental and facial problems that involve restoring missing tooth and jaw structures. A prosthodontist is highly trained in cosmetics, dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, temporomandibular disorders (TMJ/TMD), and more.